Lannion Day 2

Today was not easy day. I made presentations, but they seemed to be not appearing to them. I had a fever, so I decided to go back to hotel. I and Franck were planning to have dinner together, but postponed to the next day. I went to bed directly and felt asleep…

気がついたら、数時間眠ってた。何か食べないとと思い、ブドウ、リンゴ、洋梨を部屋まで持って来てもらう。食べた後、すぐに寝てしまい、結局16時間ばかし寝てしまった 🙂

A few hours had past already when I got my conscious back. I ordered to bring raisin, apple, and pear to my room, enjoyed them, and felt asleep again. In total, I slept 16 hours at that night 🙂


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