PC trouble

PC不具合の理由判明。HDじゃなくて、メモリでした。1枚なら全部、どのソケットでもmemtest試験合格。2枚セットでも、どれでもOK。3枚だとエラー出まくり。どうやら、nForce 2の DDR インターリーブが悪さしている模様。調子悪くなったの土曜日、確証持って復旧したの木曜日。ちかれた…

It was memory that was causing my PC instable – it was not HDD. One module can pass memtest at any sockets. Any pair of modules pass the memtest, too. But when there are three modules, tons of errors in memtest. It seems nForce 2 DDR dual channeling is causing the problem. PC was gone on Saturday, and recovered on Thuresday… I think I have more important things to do :'(


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