Today was the day to move from Paris to Rennes. The first meeting starts at 10, so we rushed in the move, checking out the hotel at 6, taking TGV at 7, etc… I tried to learn as much as possible while moving by TGV. Agriculture, weathers, villages, etc… It seems that France has flat land, and agriculture is richer. Well, now it is easier to understand why foods are delicious in France. (I will find out more in Rennes)
I paid attention to people’s behaviors in TGV. No single user was playing around with their mobile. People read, slept, chatted, but I did not see ones with mobile. I do not think I saw one in Metro, too. This brings a question to me that will Japanese mobile services be accepted in European market? It seems that mobile camera terminals are going more than alright, though.
This day was another calm day, meetings with kind people including blog mates 😉 I slept a lot day before, so my cold got better, too.
Rennesで泊まった場所は、Rennesの地図で言うと、北西の極端 🙂 周りには、サッカー場、畑、道路、家、以上。夜8時頃にホテルにチェックインし、周りには何もなく、知らない街を寒い中1時間程彷徨う事に…これがまた風邪を引く原因に :'(
The hotel was north-west end of the map of Rennes. We found foot ball yard, farm, roads, and houses. That’s it. We checked in at 20, and there were no restaurants around, so we explored the town we do not know for 1 hour to find something to eat… and this lead my cold to get worth :'(

やっと見つけたのが、マクドナルド :-) しかし、夜空に輝く黄色のmは、まるで砂漠でオアシスに出会ったよう。マクドは、もう3年程食べてないから、フランスで食べるのもいいかと、迷わず入店。スマイル0ユーロとは書いてなかったけど、ビールとか、見た事ないメニューが並んでる…。Royal Mixとかあって、パルプフィクションでのジョントラボルタの会話を思い出した…けど、ビックマック頼んでしまった。で、味だけど、気のせいか旨い。寒い中1時間も彷徨った後だからだろうか?でも、サラダとかあって、新鮮な野菜が使われてて、ヨーグルトソースも味が控えめで、旨いと思うんだけど。
What we found at last was McDonald’s. My cognition speed of recognizing shining yellow “m” in the dark was impressive. It was oasis in the desert. I had not had McDonald’s for three years, and may this be a good opportunity to try it in France. It maybe not true, but I felt Mcdonald’s in France is better than one in Japan. Salad was fresh, meat was more tasty… Walking in the cold for 1 hour and the effort of Mcdonald’s to be more like food may have effected this good surprising. But, well, I do not think I go to Mcdonald’s again for another 3 years.
Last time, I stayed in the heart of downtown, but away from the centre is also nice. It is very quiet and calm. Super inconvenient, though. Super inconvenient, though (echo)