I am home now. Stay was only 10 days, but my sickness made me feel longer. Anyway, I am safe back to home, thanks all.
On 10th, I left the hotel in Lannion at 8h, arrived at the office in Issy at 14h, and had a meeting until 17h. Olivier took us to a fromagerie and a cave near the office to buy cheese and vins. Then called a taxi from the office, got a traffic jam, then arrived at CDG at 20h. The plane took off at 23h30, and arrived at NRT at 18h50 in Japan time.
18時55分に降車開始し、入国審査、税関、NEXの切符買って、19時13分のNEXに余裕で間に合う。入国審査は2番目くらい、手荷物のみなので、ぶっちぎり一番で到着ロビーに 🙂
The door opened at 18h55, passed immigration and custom, bought a ticket for NEX, and made it to get on NEX of 19h13. Quite a good job. I sat the 28th row in the plane, was the 2nd at immigration, and faster than anyone at the exit 🙂 I always travel with cabin bags, so I never wait for luggage.
Souvenirs are cheese and wines. Olivier taught me about cheeses. Thanks for the paper, it helps a lot to study about cheese 😉 He says Patrice is still the best who knows about wine and cheese. Wine I got is French porto. This really works with blue cheese. So, you are all welcome to try 😉
For other days in France, I will post later.