今日は、会社の同僚と、ご近所さんとボジョレーヌーボーとお土産のチーズとで、ホームパーティー。さっそく、ビーフシチューを作りました。まず、牛もも肉を2キロ w。大きめに切って、バターで炒め、赤ワインを2本注ぎます w。じゃがいも、にんじん、たまねぎを、肉の上に置き、また肉を野菜の上に置いて…と、いくつも層を作ります。後は、ひたすら煮込むだけ。
Today, we invited my colleague and our neighbor to have a beaujolais party with the cheese from France. I prepared beef stew. 2 kg of round. cut into bit bigger pieces, fry with butter, and pour 2 bottles of red wine 🙂 Place potato, carrot, and onion on beef, then place beef on vegetables… and keep making layers. Afterwards, just keep boiling.
I also prepared a bowl of salad and pudding, but including a plate of beef stew, I forgot to shoot pictures… too bad 🙁 After the long lunch, we all hiked hills in the park, and spent a happy Sunday. Thanks all.