14:55 突然、デスクの電話が鳴る。「アロ?」ととると、なんと日本を旅行中の元同僚~。元同僚と「会議」をしに、ギネスのある会議室に出かける。普通にいろいろ話をして、なんだか2年前に戻った錯覚に陥る。一番いい時代を思い出すね。書類書くのも重要やけど、こういう仲間の方が大切なんだよね。しかし、今宵はこれまた前から楽しみにしている幼馴染みとの呑み。元同僚とは3月に会えるから、次はパリで呑むべ~と別れる。
Welcome to 30’s
14:55 My phone ringed. It was jean-francois! I and patrice went to a meeting place where we can have a pint of Guinness. We chatted like we used to do 2 years ago, and it was a bizarre feeling that we slipped back to 2 years ago. Giving us the best atmosphere we used to have. It is of cause important to work on documents and politics, but what the most important is comrades like this. I wish I could have spend more time with jean-francois, but I also had another rendezvous with my friend from 7th grade this evening. I can see jean-francois in March, so we promised to reunion in Paris and said a bientot.
Then, I and aso-kun reunited in Shibuya. Again, it gives some feeling like we are back to 18 years ago. I realized while writing… it’s been 18 years! Can’t believe that we are 30’s. Well, maybe we can, because topics besides nice old days were marriage, work, and so on. Most of my friends do real business with visible results. When I chat about work with old friends, doubts on empty part of my work gets heavier on my shoulders. If I don’t deliver anything, it ends up with day dreaming.
Before breaking up, we tried to catch another friend from the 4th grade 🙂 He answered phone as usual, and we promised to reunion as usual. 3 years ago, I knocked his door and invited for going out as usual. Can’t believe that this “usual” has not changed for 20 years 🙂
But, we are 30’s already!
I remember the word what jean-francois and patrice told me today with pure smiles on their faces
“welcome to 30’s”
It seems nothing changes at 30’s
I do not want to change
today was a day like lost in the external memory storage… bizarre, but super happy day
Yes, having this drink and talk was nice. Memories of two years ago for sure, but also present and future. Conversation was going easily and lightly, and it will again when you go to France and meet Jean-Francois. I was amazed to get 30 (a long time ago:), but such moments give me a good feeling that within this time that flies, i did at least something meeting good people and making good friends.